


TikTok Shop



TikTok Shop

Earthbar Leveraging TikTok Commerce

Earthbar encountered fierce competition in the health and wellness market, especially from brands employing aggressive digital marketing strategies. We leveraged TikTok Shop to reshape their online growth trajectory.

The Process

Earthbar, a premier wellness brand known for its healthy juices and supplements, targets health-conscious consumers nationwide. Despite a robust product lineup, the brand needed to boost its digital presence and customer engagement to enhance sales and market share.

Facing competition in the health and wellness sector, Earthbar aimed to: increase brand visibility and awareness on social media platforms, drive higher engagement and conversions on Facebook and Instagram, and foster loyalty and repeat purchases by connecting strongly with its target audience.

The Result


  • To increase followers on Facebook by 30% and Instagram by 40% within six months.
  • To boost engagement rates by 50% across both social media platforms.
  • To drive a 20% increase in online sales from social media referrals.

Earthbar’s strategic approach to revitalising its social media presence led to significant gains in engagement, followers and sales. Through targeted content and influencer partnerships, our Penguins expanded our client’s digital footprint and enhanced its brand positioning in the competitive health and wellness market.

The End

The camapign's success highlights the power of a well-crafted digital strategy tailored to the target audience's interests and behaviors. TikTok engagement rates on posts and stories increased by 60% due to interactive short-form content. TikTok engagement rates for posts and stories surged by 60% through interactive short-form content. Social media-driven sales increased by 25%, driven by targeted TikTok Ads and revamped content.