


Performance UGC



Performance UGC

New Deux Cookie Dough Flavours

Our Performance Creatives delivered outstanding results, effectively showcasing new flavours of our client's best-selling cookie dough across TikTok.

The Process

Our client was struggling to build a consistent stream of creatives for their TikTok. We introduced performance UGC and researched to craft a winning strategy. One of the unique selling points of the brand is that they provide a healthier alternative to a high-sugar sweet treat; cookie dough.

Highlighting their healthier cookie dough, our strategists selected creators matching their ideal customer profiles. We launched a TikTok campaign with 30+ creators showcasing the product's convenience and availability, targeting a diverse demographic.

The Result

By leveraging current social media trends, each performance UGC highlighted different flavours and positive taste tests, boosting TikTok engagement through shares and comments. With creatives averaging 60K impressions, the campaign significantly scaled and engaged users for the brand’s latest flavour release.

The End

The campaign included 68 performance creatives, reaching over 300,000 unique audiences and garnering 1.5M impressions. It exceeded objectives, establishing the Birthday Cake flavour as a new favourite in American households!