How To Grow Your Business By Analysing Competitor Ads

Boost your content strategy, uncover niche specific trends, and enhance your ad performance by keeping an eye on your competitors ad landscape.

3 min read

This week, we delve into the importance of keeping a constant eye on your competitors' ads and how this can help you directly scale your business. By refining your creative strategy based on insights from your competitors, you can significantly enhance your performance.

Why Learning From Your Competitors Is Crucial

Analysing your competitors’ ads and paid media strategy will help you identify areas where they excel, offering you a roadmap to elevate your own strategy. By researching their ads, you can uncover new trends, innovative angles, and fresh concepts for your product.

Benefits of Competitor Analysis

  1. Identify Trends: Stay ahead of market trends by observing what works for others.
  2. Refine Messaging: Improve your ad copy by learning what resonates with your audience.
  3. Boost Creativity: Draw inspiration from high-performing visuals and concepts.
  4. Increase ROI: Optimize your ad spend by implementing proven strategies.

Strategies to Analyse Competitors’ Ads

Identify Long-Running Ads

These often highlight the best elements of messaging, product positioning, and creative strategies. Long-running ads are typically those that have been successful over an extended period.

Explore Industry Trends

Look beyond direct competitors to similar markets for additional inspiration. This can provide a broader perspective and innovative ideas that you might not find within your own niche.

Dissect and Analyse Competitors’ Ads

When analysing ads, focus on three core elements: messaging, visuals, and feedback.


  • Catch the Tone: Identify the psychological triggers, language, and tone used to engage the audience.
  • Trigger Points: Understand what prompts clicks, purchases, or subscriptions.
  • Creative Style: Determine which ad types (testimonials, unboxing, etc.) work best and compare their authenticity to yours.

Visual Elements:

  • Hooks: Identify visual elements that capture attention.
  • Type of Shots: Analyse the proportion of different shot types (POV, product shots, b-rolls, selfie videos) used.

Feedback and Reviews:

  • Customer Feedback: Scour reviews and comments for insights into what resonates with the audience.
  • Engaging Captions: Note the use of dynamic captions that keep viewers engaged.

Real-Life Example: Crafty By Numbers

Here’s what we learned from competitors for Crafty By Numbers:

  • Targeting Women: Competitors use highly feminine aesthetics and language tailored to women.
  • Product Focused: Most creatives showcase the product and its use, often without featuring the creators.
  • ASMR Effect: Visuals focus on high-satisfaction elements, such as the brush touching the canvas.
  • Engaging Captions: Captions are dynamic, popping up throughout the screen for increased engagement

Step-by-Step Guide to Adopting Competitor Strategies

  1. Gather Data: Use tools like Meta Ads Library and TikTok Top Ads to collect data on competitor ads.
  2. Analyse Trends: Look for patterns in successful ads, such as common themes, formats, and engagement tactics.
  3. Adapt and Innovate: Customise the strategies to fit your brand’s voice and values.
  4. Test and Optimise: Implement the new strategies in your campaigns, monitor performance, and make necessary adjustments.

By adopting strategies from successful competitors, we revitalized Hippeas By Numbers' creative strategy. The outcome? Their primary concern over the past three months has been keeping up with the skyrocketing demand.

Ready to Elevate Your Ads?

Learn from the best, apply innovative strategies to your paid media strategy, and watch your business grow. Contact The Social Penguin today to start your journey to unparalleled ad success.

Competitor analysis is not about copying but about learning and evolving. By understanding and leveraging what works for others, you can create a robust, dynamic, and successful advertising strategy that sets your brand apart. Whether you're using tools to spy on ads or analyzing the core elements of successful campaigns, the insights gained are invaluable. Embrace these strategies to stay competitive, innovative, and ahead in your market.

By following these steps and continuously refining your approach, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are both effective and cutting-edge. This will not only help in achieving your immediate business goals but also in building a sustainable, long-term strategy for growth and success.

This comprehensive guide offers actionable insights and practical tips to help you leverage competitor analysis for your marketing success. Implement these strategies to enhance your ad performance and achieve significant business growth.